Monday, December 01, 2008

A silent tribute to the victims of the Mumbai War

The Mumbai tragedy is not just an isolated event. It is a shameful and shocking manifestation of a much larger systemic phenomenon. It’s like another of those many wake-up calls most of which has gone unheeded.
And from the noise one can hear even now in the discussions, debates, scapegoating, wailing, howling, yelling – it seems that this wake up call may also go unheard and unheeded.
While a section of the population, specially the Mumbai Kars, seemed to have awakened from their slumber of ‘life goes on’, I really don’t know where the rest of the country is. Specially the somnambulistic herd of so-called “leadership”. Waking them up is like waking up someone who dreams of being awake. It is next to impossible.
As a country, we seemed to have been displaying a patterned behavior of inaction and reaction. Inaction and reaction that comes from the collective fear-led conditioning of powerlessness and worthlessness.
The need of the hour however is activism. Activism born out of an innate ability to respond (responsibility) led by purpose and values and fuelled by The Power Within.
This requires silent reflection and exploration at much deeper levels of our being and not just looking at how we can behave differently.
This requires going beyond best practices and acquired competencies to explore and discover the innate life giving forces we all have innately in us.
And above all this requires an awakening and manifestation of our humanness, irrespective of class, creed, sex and color and upholding it in its fullest glory.
In each one of us, in whatever way we can.

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