Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Does brand matters?

So'HaM - School of Human Awakening & Manifestation: Compensation

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Better late than never :-)) This is what I can say with whatever little I have experienced ...

In large organizations with huge infrastructure and glitz and glamour and providing the so called economic security... the compensation is... to the human who is compromised and is supposed to behave like a sheep or a donkey or someone who he/she is not!!! but I am not very sure if any compensation in the materialistics terms can compensate for a "human being".

I am priviledged that I am not compensated to behave like a donkey or a sheep :-) Being a part of an organization which gives me complete freedom to be the way I am, to live my passions.
I get compensated for being Alive.

Love ...